boiling memoir

journey of one man

Rails Rumble

If you are keeping an eye on Rails Rumble results then you might want to start following rails rumble rank twitter.

It will post regular updates but only when the top 9 teams’ ranking changes.

Sun’s Support for Ruby on Rails

I got the link to a presentation by Sun’s Craig McClanahan from this post.

The presentation, as DHH pointed out, shows Sun’s commitment to RoR but what I enjoyed the most was Craig’s views on application trends and that we should be treating applications as mashups and think about exposing them as REST as much as we can. 


After watching Accepted again (since Jackie hasn’t seen it) after CITCON. It suddenly dawned on me, the way they came up with the curriculum for South Harmon Institute of Technology (SHIT) is exactly the spirit of open space used in CITCON.