Now more incentive to buy Apple TV. I am still not convinced but if Mac mini gets axed then it might be the only way to build an Apple media center.
Cooperative Linux
Can’t wait to try this out to see if it is better than just using cygwin.
Alternatively, LINA is another similar solution.
Excellent PDF Document on REST Rails
Is Santa Coming?
Fingers crossed WWDC will announce MBP update that includes santa rosa. I can’t wait for Leopard anymore.
Things You Do Often Should Be Easy to Do.
Things you do often should be easy to do.
Someone Will Notice the Missing Tests Someday, and They Might Know It Was Your Fault.
Someone will notice the missing tests someday, and they might know it was your fault.
Unless you use ClearCase and you have a massive branching & merging process for every project. Jokes aside, it is a good article, go read it.
Sydney Googleplex
Xss Vulnerability With To_json
xss vulnerability with to_json
but ultimately due to developer not performing due diligence checks on the input fields.
Disappointing Monkey
I am disappointed at Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz. It was much easier for me to start enjoy Rayman Raving Rabbids than the monkey. One major problem is that the instruction for controls of each mini game is too hard to understand. Also there are too many moments in the game that is boring yet you cannot skip them. The story mode is not too bad. Haven’t had a chance of going through ALL the mini games, too many of them, a bit overwhelming..
I was told about VoodooPad during my search for the next wiki. It looks good but I wanted something that’s on the net.