boiling memoir

journey of one man

Pistonise Romey

romey nows run on edge rails.

It started with me trying the scope_out plugin as suggested by Ryan Bate’s awesome railscasts, episode 76. Then I read about named_scope from Ryan Daigle. named_scope is previously known as the has_finder gem so I decided to give the gem a go. After I started using it I decided to pistonise romey with edge rails to save myself the trouble of migrating from has_finder to named_scope when the next version of rails is released.

I can say that named_scope has been a huge help in paying back a lot of the technical debt in romey, particularly in making models fat and controllers slimmer.

All in all, it was a great experience cleaning up romey and going back to development on edge again. You can read about some of the new features coming soon here if you are not already following it via rails trac.

update: I should do another release of romey soon.