boiling memoir

journey of one man


I like stikipad, but I am glad when I was deciding which wiki to use I didn’t go with stikipad.

They are currently down and, according to its users has been down for 2 weeks already. On top of the the owners and support is not there.

I am current playing with porting my wiki pages to Google Site. My experience so far is that the UI is nice, displaying code is a bit of pain until I figure out a better way. Lastly it doesn’t seem to be indexed by Google.


One of the reason I like Ruby community is the friendliness.

But a few comments on this post is not a demonstration of that friendliness. I am sure Dan totally gets the concepts and he wrote a followup post about it. I am just interested to see if the idiotic comments come back.

Git Pager

By default Git uses less as a pager. That is very cool because to look at logs you no longer have to pipe the output to less yourself. But something didn’t work very well for me until I finally couldn’t take it anymore. The problem was that for some reason my Git output in less is displaying weird chars that looks like ESC at beginning of lines. I found the culprit to be one of my env variable LESS=-i, which makes search in less case-insensitive. It’s all good after it’s taken out :)

:cry: JSR-308

I am already not a fan of annotations and now this!?!? Fortunately (and also unfortunate) enterprise (man I hate that word) companies are slow to take up new things. The client I work for at the moment is still on Java 1.4…..

To Flex or Not

I am not saying I am going to convert to develop Flex application.

But it might be worth keeping an eye on the technology. It might just be an interesting platform to play with. It is certainly getting attention from the JavaFX guys.

Sure Way to Dump DB Schema Into Ruby Using Jdbc :)

You need:

  • jruby
  • rails (or just active record) gem
  • activerecord-jdbc-adapter

If you are using the base jdbc adapter then you need to put jdbc jar in jruby’s classpath. I just copied the jar into $JRUBY_HOME/lib


  1. establish AR connection

  2. use schema dumper


require 'rubygems'
require 'active_record'

  :adapter  => "jdbc",
  :driver => '',
  :url => 'jdbc:as400://hostname',
  :username => "blah",
  :password => "secret"

Exciting Stuff

Checkout Nick’s JavaOne presso and play with Warbler. I just did and it is very cool. It will create a lot of combination of possibilities on something I plan to present to the company I work for.